Oss, The Netherlands, 18th February 2015 – NTRC today announced that it has received a collection of fifty small molecule inhibitors for TDO from the European Lead Factory (ELF). TDO (Tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase) is an important target in cancer immunotherapy and also has potential in Parkinson’s disease. TDO was originally screened by the ultra-HTS robot of the Pivot Park Screening Centre in Oss using NTRC’s NFK GreenScreen™ assay technology. The screen yielded few false positives and the data generated at the Screening Centre have been reproduced at NTRC. The hits were identified in a library of 300,000 compounds that has been collated from the libraries of the seven pharmaceutical companies in the ELF consortium. NTRC is the first SME ever to receive a Qualified Hit List from the European Lead Factory. NTRC will progress the hit series alongside the previous hit series that also were identified by screening (link to JBS article). NTRC’s TDO program is available to pharmaceutical companies for in-licensing.
NTRC is a biotech company based at the Pivot Park in Oss, The Netherlands. NTRC (Netherlands Translational Research Center B.V.) develops scientific ideas into small molecule drug candidates, using its proprietary technology platforms Oncolines™, SynergyFinder™, ResidenceTimer™ and NFK GreenScreen™.
The research leading to the Qualified Hit List for NTRC’s TDO program has received support from the Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking under grant agreement no. 115489, resources of which are composed of financial contribution from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and EFPIA companies’ in kind contribution.